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Get Connected with Shelby Bake, Element’s Social Media Specialist

If you follow us on social media, you may have noticed our Facebook page just got a whole lot wittier. That’s because we recently hired Shelby Bake to join Element as the agency’s own social media specialist.

Before coming to Element, Shelby worked as a project specialist at a digital marketing agency in Madison, Wisconsin, where she learned the craft of social media marketing, SEO copywriting, email marketing, and graphic design.

It turns out social media marketing isn’t Shelby’s only passion. She’s also a culture and history buff. We turned up the EDM tunes and sat down with the UW-Madison alumna to learn – in a little more than 140 characters – about her fascination with time travel, musicals, and the rugged greatness of the 26th president of the United States.

It can be hard to stand out in the world of social media. What do you find most challenging about social media marketing?

Hands down, timeliness is the most difficult aspect of marketing on social media. A social media minute equates to about 1.2 seconds, so it’s important to be on top of everything, all the time. I wish I had a Time-Turner.

Speaking of time travel, if you could venture into the past and be a part of one historical event, what would it be?

I’d be around for Henry the VIII’s lifetime. I find the opulence and craziness (so many dead wives) of the era quite interesting. I would make sure to not be a heretic myself, though, and pack some leggings (because corsets are terrible). 

What is your favorite Twitter account?

Wendy’s account has won my heart (Denny’s is a close second.) They have a brusque, snarky sense of humor, speak meme, and are endorsed by Redditors.

Writing social posts is always better with great music. Describe your perfect playlist.

I once had a friend describe my taste in music as “the thumping techno you hear at Express.” I gravitate towards anything with a beat I can jam to, so that description is accurate. I enjoy all genres: indie, folk, classic rock, classical, musicals, pop punk, blues, hip hop, and movie soundtracks.

If your life were a soundtrack, what would it be named?

The music would be a combination of tunes from the British TV series, Misfits and the Wall-E soundtrack. The title of this melodic arrangement would be: “What’s Up? Good. How are You?” Subtitle “Adventures in Awkwardness.”

You have mentioned you’re a big fan of BBC adaptations of classic 19th century novels. What are your three favorite novels and/or characters from this time period?

Jane Eyre from her self-titled debut and Elinor Dashwood and Colonel Brandon from Sense and Sensibility. Jane and Emma are more logical than I will ever be, and they’re way more reasonable than most heroines: Emma Bovary and Carrie Mathison, anyone? Colonel Brandon is the classic good guy.

What’s the last TV series you watched?

My most recent binge was The Roosevelts: An Intimate History, a modern classic from documentarian Ken Burns. It was a solid refresher on 20th century American history, and a reminder that Ron Swanson and Teddy Roosevelt are basically the same guy. TR started the day with up to 12 eggs and stuck out a speech with a bullet lodged between his ribs. Goals.

Since April is your birth month, name the most interesting gift you’ve ever received.

I recently received a pineapple made from Ferrero Rochers and a wine bottle (here’s the Pinterest version). A couple of weeks ago, I received 15 mini packs of beef jerky from the same person that I got the pineapple from … I need to keep this friend.

Happy belated birthday, Shelby, and welcome aboard! We’re happy to have your social media expertise and encyclopedic knowledge on our team.

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