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Ketchup on Social Event Promo Best Practices in Honor of #NationalFrenchFryDay

Curly, crinkle-cut, waffle … French fry-style possibilities are endless; just like the number of events that take place in the summer. In our digital age, it is essential to promote your event on social media. According to We Are Social, over three billion people globally use social media. (Could you even imagine that many fries?!) So, here are three easy steps (with tips!) to get started.

Select Social Media Platforms

It’s not essential to use every social media platform for promotion. Strategically select the platforms your target audience is most active on and stick to those. For a business event celebrating a company milestone, LinkedIn is a useful promotion platform; however, it’s not ideal for a consumer-facing music festival. In social platforms, and French fries, it’s about quality over quantity.

Tip: If you create a Facebook page for your event, make a Facebook event, too! The Facebook event differs from the page because it allows your audience members to RSVP and reminds them of your event on their Facebook homepages as the date nears. Attendees also get event notifications.


Create a Content Calendar

Planning content is crucial so you can determine what you want to communicate to your audience and when prior to your event. Many variables determine how far in advance you should begin promoting and how often you should post, such as event size and target demographic. Plan and draft your content, including copy, photos, and videos ahead of time. Visually plot your content on something as easy as a spreadsheet or get more advanced with online social media scheduling programs.

You can cross-post content (posting similar content onto different platforms), but strive to create unique content on each channel to keep audience members wanting to visit your other platforms. Even if you use the same photo or video, mix up the copy! Each platform has its purpose. Instagram is perfect for strong visual content while Facebook is suited for interpersonal interaction and longer copy.

Tip: Need content ideas? Research fun national holidays, like today’s #NationalFrenchFryDay, and create content around that. Bonus: by using the hashtag in the copy, you’re joining the online conversation and offering up your brand in a place users might not expect to see it.


Monitor Content

A few days after content has been posted, analyze it. Ask yourself: what type of content received more engagement, and what does my audience want to know? This will fine-tune your future efforts and help determine what kind of content commands your audience’s attention.

Tip: Don’t just promote your event, engage with your audience, too. If your audience members private message the event page or comment on posts asking questions, promptly respond to them, when appropriate. Show that your event wants to clarify any miscommunication.

Take a seat, grab some of your favorite French fries in honor of #NationalFrenchFryDay, and see promotion in action on Appleton’s Octoberfest’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages.

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