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Grill Giveaway Winner

Element is excited to announce the winner of our summer grill giveaway spectacular. But before we do, we’d like to take a moment to acknowledge the extreme heat gripping our nation.

It’s crazy hot out there! How hot? On the Element campus, squirrels are fanning their nuts. Birds are picking up worms with potholders. And at the farm down the road, cows are giving evaporated milk. (If you’ve heard cornier heat jokes than those, let us know.) So, please remember to hydrate appropriately, wear sunscreen, and take it slow. And, if you’re in our neighborhood, stop in for a cold beverage. No shirt, no pants, no problem.

Even though it’s currently hot enough to cook directly on the sidewalk, hopefully it will soon cool off so we can all enjoy some outdoor grilling. And, what better way than with a new Weber One-Touch® Gold Charcoal Grill in eye-catching Element blue? Congratulations to our grill winner, Sandi Volner.

We’ll deliver the grill soon, Sandi. Thank you to everyone who entered!


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