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Feed Employee Retention with Community Involvement


The best companies constantly have their eyes open for ways to retain their best employees. Plus, human resources professionals want new, exciting ways to attract potential employees.

So, now more than ever, implementing an employee engagement program, such as corporate volunteering, is a necessary tactic for forward-thinking businesses.

By investing in programs that allow employees to share their values—and then celebrating and promoting those programs—you’re engaging at another level; a more personal one that creates real emotional connections.

Why does showing corporate social responsibility through volunteering connect employees to their company?

Camaraderie impacts productivity. When employees work together on a volunteer activity outside company walls, they share new experiences and form stronger relationships (UnitedHealth Group 2013 Health and Volunteering Study).

Recognized employees are happier. Not only are engaged employees more satisfied and productive, they’re often recognized for their efforts by management, which drives loyalty. More than half (53 percent) of respondents in a recent Millennial Impact Report said “having their passions and talents recognized is their top reason for remaining at their current company.”

You’re creating the best brand ambassadors. People want to work for a socially responsible company that’s connected to the community. When they feel empowered through their employer, they’re passionate and feel part of a culture of social purpose. Best of all, they’ll share their feelings with friends and family in person and through social media.

Is an employee engagement program really worth the effort?

According to a PwC survey, it is. Engaged employees, or those most committed to their organization, “put in 57 percent more effort on the job and are 87 percent less likely to resign” than those who feel disengaged. That’s huge.

In fact, an effective, contemporary workplace program, or at least an occasional volunteer activity, is now becoming expected by many employees (68% according to America’s Charities).

What’s the best way to organize a program?

There are a variety of ways to structure an employee volunteer program. It depends on your employees’ interests and your company goals. There’s really no better way to start than to ask your people. And, then listen.

Doing something important within your community goes a long way in grabbing and keeping top talent. Want to dig deeper into strategies for attracting qualified candidates? Read a recent blog about combining the powers of HR with marketing to improve your recruitment efforts.

The Element crew recently participated in a corporate volunteer activity as part of our 15th Anniversary Week. We helped those in our community struggling with hunger and bonded as a team at Feed America Eastern Wisconsin.

Check in next week for your next #PRbrief!


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