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Element Designer Series: Q&A with Lori Schwartz


The calendar page has flipped to August, and we’ve flipped our Facebook cover image over to a new design from one of Element’s talented artists.

Every month, we’re featuring a new image that our graphic designers and art directors create. Then we dive inside their heads for a Q&A session to find out where they get their ideas and how their creative process works.

For August, we have a hand-drawn design from Senior Graphic Designer Lori Schwartz. She also has a new responsibility at our agency – picking out the bottles of craft brew that fill the Element beer fridge!

Lori doodled this drawing, and doodling is actually one of the 12 creativity hacks we talk about on our blog. But, Lori used a special doodling technique. Keep reading to learn more …

Lori’s Facebook Cover Image Design

Q. What’s the story behind your idea for this Facebook cover image?

Lori Schwartz: One thing is certain; I didn’t come up with the idea by running into anything or making post-it notes for myself.

(Editor’s Note: See our previous Designer Q&As and you’ll know what Lori is talking about here.)

However, I did know from the start that I wanted to do something different than the previous awesome Facebook illustrations so I started writing the word “Element” out in a few type styles, chose one, then started doodling.

Q: Did you use a certain technique or style to create it?

LS: I found this cool illustration style called Zentangle that is easy, fun, and a relaxing way to be creative. The best thing is they are unplanned drawings and all you really need is a fine tip mechanical pen, paper, and a half hour and you’re good to go.

Q: What’s your favorite part about being a graphic designer, and why do you like working at Element?

LS: I love that I never have the same day twice. My dog, Piper, can come to work with me sometimes, there is always deliciously refreshing craft beer in the fridge, and the beer purchasing power has been passed on to me!

(Editor’s Note: Watch our video featuring Lori’s dog Piper at Element.)

Lori with a beer from Lion's Tail Brewing Co. in Neenah, Wisconsin.
Lori at Element with a beer from Lion’s Tail Brewing Co. in Neenah, WI

Q: What kinds of things inspire you to be more creative?

I work with some wonderfully talented people that inspire me to try different techniques or learn cool new tools using Adobe CC

I find good ideas by browsing through design websites, Tumblr, Pinterest, and even reading. But, I love going to rummage sales and digging though boxes looking for cool, interesting stuff.


Want to learn more about the interesting people who work here? Check out Element’s Culture page to meet the entire crew!

Want to learn how to make a Zentangle design? Check out the video below!

Don’t miss past Designer Series Q&As with Joel Haase and Shawn Williams, and make sure you like Element on Facebook for more creative fun.


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