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4 Elements That Make Influencer Networks the Perfect Brew

It’s no secret that your favorite Elementals enjoy a quality brew. That’s why we’re celebrating this National Beer Lovers Day talking about one of our favorite beverages and one of today’s hottest marketing trends: influencer marketing.

Developing an influencer marketing strategy involves some groundwork and extensive research, but we’d like to let you in on a little secret. If your strategy involves promoting a new product or service with a short-term, paid relationship, influencer networks can be your best friend.

An influencer network is exactly that: a network of influencers centered around similar topics, audiences, or geographic locations. When you decide to work with a network, a representative can do the research for you and recommend particular influencers within the network that will help reach your goals.

Because beer contains four major ingredients, here are four elements of influencer networks that will make the perfect brew for your next campaign.

Grains = Reputation

Working with an influencer network ensures you are working with respected and qualified influencers, without extensive research completed by your team; however, make sure you find a network with a roster of respectable brands.

Hops = Audience

With defined target audiences, networks can help you to reach even the most niche groups. Have multiple audiences for one promotion? No problem! Working with multiple influencers through a network can help distribute your message efficiently to various groups.

Yeast = Scalability

Influencer networks allow you to scale your campaign to as big or small as budget allows. There’s also the added bonus of package pricing depending on the network you’re working with.

Water = Geography

If your brand’s audience resides in specific geographic locations, many networks have the ability to target specific regions, cities, or neighborhoods.

Whether you’re promoting a new product or launching an entire brand, working with an influencer network can provide the diversity you need to communicate to one or even multiple audiences.

Need some more influencer marketing guidance? Contact the Element PR team, and let’s chat.

Cheers to National Beer Lovers Day!


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